Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Baring My Soul, For A Good Cause...


I am going to talk, briefly, about something which happened to me when my mother died. I have a dear friend who is facing a crisis in life, and I hope this will help that person to find the inner strength needed to deal with what is happening in my anonymous friend's life, at this point.
Some years ago, after my Mother's death, and the birth of my second child, I hit bottom. Hard. I took care of my babies by instinct alone, or so it seemed to me. I put up a brave front for the rest of my family, yet, inside I felt as though a part of me had died along with my mom, or that that part was frozen. I laughed on the outside, but inside I just wanted to die. I actually considered taking my life, in spite of my little ones who needed me.
To make a long story short, it took seeing the courage and inner strength of a man whom I had never met to help me look inside myself and find my own inner strength, and to be able to move away from the dark place in which I found myself, back toward a brighter spot where I could begin to live again.
I am writing this in hopes of being able to help my friend see that we all have adversities which can overwhelm us if we let them. But, we should also remember that there are people out there who love us, and will help us; if we let them. The most important thing is not to try to face our difficulties alone. There is always someone who cares enough to listen, and talking is one of the best ways of coming to terms with a problem.
My friend has many people who love and respect that person. I just want to offer my help in any way possible, and I know there are others who feel the same way. We are here when we are needed. Please, dear friend, all you need to do is reach out. We're here. Love, Anna

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