Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Wesley's Artwork

I got several very positive responses to my son's paint picture, so I decided to post some of his drawings here. Some of these were done when he was a teenager, and others are more recent. All of them make me proud to have such a talented son. Please, enjoy! Anna  (click on images to enlarge)






  1. I can view it now Anna,

    You're son is good and so talented too, and I know how you fell, 'coz I felt the same every time I saw the finish art of my kids, they're good in charcoal arts too and more on anime.

    Tell your Wesley to keep it up the good works.

    Love, Leny

  2. Hi, sister Leny.
    Thank you, my dear. I know Wesley thanks you, too. He always appreciates when someone thinks his artwork is good. I would like to see some of your children's artwork. My 8-year-old granddaughter is a pretty good artist, too. And so is her mother. I didn't even know my daughter could draw until a few years ago. I have one of her sketches hanging on my bedroom wall. I guess they get the talent from me, but I am not as good as Wes. Thanks again. Be well, my friend. Anna
